The lie of enjoyment

Did Adam and Eve eat fruit to survive or for enjoyment? Death didn’t come until sin so they didn’t need food for survival. So the eating of fruit in their understanding was probably for enjoyment. So when Satan questioned them what was he really saying?

First Satan said did God really say that? Making us question God’s Word. Then he tells us we will not surely die but will be like God knowing good and evil. Making us question God’s goodness, and think he’s keeping some sort of enjoyment from us.

Isn’t that just like Satan always trying to say you could be happier if you have this. You could enjoy life if you have this car, you could enjoy life if your wife looks like this, you could enjoy life if you had more money. The same lies Satan has been selling from the beginning.

Satan wants you to question everything about God his goodness, his love, his Word, his very existence. But don’t you ever question Satan he might get angry. Anger when questioned is a clear sign of evil. You see truth when questioned has nothing to fear so it just provides the answers. But lies cannot provide so anger is their defense. Don’t question because fear me. Fear what the fact you cannot provide answers? Don’t fear evil it’ll only threaten more evil because that’s all it can do. Fear the Lord for when he finally judges he can destroy the body and soul. But follow the Lord because he will never threaten you. The Lord will warn you out out of concern for your soul.

You see Satan fights with fear of evil and temporary consequences. But the Lord fights with truth and the warning of where evil leads to permanent consequences.

Please come to know the Lord today he loves you and will always if you only turn to him.

Satan has never loved you and never will.


The beauty of obedience