The beauty of obedience

What can you give to God who has everything and needs nothing? You might think there is nothing we can give to God being of that nature. Although God asks us for something and this gives an opportunity to give him something. You see the one thing we can give to God is our obedience. God granted me this story to express to me the beauty of obedience. A father has two sons. The first son tries to touch fire but the father stops him and says “stop don’t touch that it’ll burn you.” But the son persists until the father finals says “fine touch it just a little” and the child getting burned see his father was right. The second son tries to touch fire but the father says “stop don’t touch that it’ll burn you.” The second son stops and says “okay father I won’t.” You see when we constantly want to pursue our own thoughts or desires above God’s we place ourselves in danger. God as our father through Christ Jesus doesn’t want that for us. He wants us to believe him and obey for our benefit. You see like a loving father he will tell us stop sin will lead to death. Let us be the son or daughter that listens and obeys. It’s a beautiful thing to believe your loving father in heaven.

If you’d like a bonus please read these scriptures. They helped inspire this blog post.
Matthew 21:28-32


Ruler of our days


The lie of enjoyment