Why prophecy is so important

How does an omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient being prove it’s existence to people that cannot see it or fully fathom it’s fullness. Simple answer, prophecy. It can prove it’s existence and the truth of it’s power with prophecy. The God of the Bible does this in multiple ways. Sometimes God will do as we all know from movies these days, and that is foreshadowing. Another way is God will simply speak through an ambassador to tell people the future directly.

So many people hate the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son of promise Isaac. But God knew from the beginning he wasn’t going to let Isaac be sacrificed. This was God foreshadowing the future when he would sacrifice his own son for the salvation of all those who believe. God also spoke directly about what he would do through King David and Daniel the prophet. You see God was building up a track record of foreshadowing and foretelling the future so that when it would happen EVERYONE could believe.

The whole point of prophecy is historic proof of God’s power and existence to all those who will listen. But sin is so deceitful that Jesus himself fulfilled over 300 prophecies and we still doubt the truth. Let us not be doubters but believers. For believers are the chosen to not only be saved but to be adopted by God himself. Oh how wonderful a God we serve that before the foundation of the earth he predestined to adopt all those who believe in his son. Thank the Lord for he is a holy God perfect and worthy of all love and praise.


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